Dealing with disappointment can be such a slippery sloap...
Let's take a look at that for a second.
For me, once I drop that giant pile of mixed up messed up emotion into my lovely, feelings strainer, I usually realize that all I have left is expectation!
Expectation's really stink.... I've studied my share of Budhism and trust me, letting go of expectation, especially in this day and age, seems nearly impossible.
Let's go over some possible solutions..
Mine, let go and let (you can fill this in)..
Giving things up to faith, to a higher power, to someone, something greater than ourselves is a beautiful thing.
What usually stops us from giving into this concept freely is fear, loss of control, and a lack of trust.
So let's all give this a shot next time we feel great disappointment..
Let's realize that we can't always drive life our way.
That sometimes expecting a bit less is a good thing.
That letting go can be freeing and quite remarkable.
And above all to not fear the outcome..
It will be as it's meant to be... It always is.
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