Well this has been an interesting week on my spiritual path.
I am so excited to share it with you.
To begin with, I had a very interesting conversation with a dear friend of mine named Kate.
She lives in England is brilliant and is married to a Shaman.
I will share a bit of that conversation so you can see why I adore her so.
"In this modern world it's as if all the intuition and knowledge is taught OUT of us as we are conditioned to living a life that is designed to contain us. The system... All the knowledge we need, we are born with. Our journey is simply to recognise that and to listen to the Universe."
Kate got me thinking about many things.
My Coaching practice,
My soul,
And my early childhood steeped in the magic of Catholicism.
I vividly remember the wonder of it all.
The pagentry, the tradition, the beautiful robes and music.
The incense, oh how the smell of the incense still stirs my heart.
I remember coming out of mass as a child feeling so very small and insignificant in that big gold gilded world of the church.
It was such an external world, such a distracting world (for me.)
I was always being told to look out, to the congregation and clergy.
look up, to the heavens, to God.
Not much looking in,
Self reflection,
Personal questioning.
Now my life is full of wonderment of all different types.
This Thursday I attended a meditation class at my local Buddhist center.
Our teacher Norbu ( a lovely Buddhist monk via North Carolina, really! ) spoke of choice and of looking inward.
(see where this is going?)
The class was on anger and of many ways of dealing with it.
Rather than look out, or up, and search for external ways of design with anger,
he suggested we look in and find our own answers.
He assured us they were there.
The easiest was to counteract anger... was with love.
If you imagine the source of your anger, let's say an individual,
and then remember the things about that person that you love and the beautiful things they have done for you, you find the anger is quickly dissolved.
They are actually opposing forces.
Since love is rooted in compassion, and anger is designed to hurt, ourselves mostly.
It should come as no surprise that the two can not
exist simultaneously.
Now as if a good dose of Catholicism and Buddhism weren't enough for one week, for one being,
last night I joined my much better half at Friday night services at Tempke Kol Ami Emanu-el.
He has been attending conversion classes and asked that I attend as support.
Obviously I have no aversion to faith..all types of faith.
And wouldn't you know that Rabbi Harr's sermon was on nothing else than, choices, internal choices, looking in.
Do you see a trend? (smiling)
He read from the Torah and explained that all the learning one can do,
All the lessons one can take,
All the praying one can do will only, hopefully, get you to a place where you can look inside and search out your own answers, your own personal recipe for love, happiness, success and faith.
So here's my message for this week,
Whether you kneal on a pew,
sit crossed legged in front of an alter
or lovingly touch the Torah as it passes.
Please take all the lessons you have been lucky enough to learn in life and look inside yourself for your truth.
All the God we need,
all the Buddha we need
all the Allah we need is alive and well inside each and everyone of us.
I know this to be true, because I have stepped inside the minds of many faiths this week and they all said the same thing.... in one mystical way or another....
Look IN not UP!
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